Friday, June 5, 2015

WRITTEN BY: Collin Stimpson
     ILLISTRATED BY: Collin Stimpson


One day in a hot dry desert, three little snakes came by. They decided to build their houses there.
     The first little snake decided to build his house out of dirt.  And he did.
     The second little snake decided to build his house out of nice thick twigs.  He gathered some twigs and built a house.
     The third little snake decided to build his house out of big rocks.  So he got some rocks and built a house.
     A little while later, a hawk came by.  He saw the snakes and said, “Mmmm, you’re going to make a yummy dinner.”  So the hawk swooped down and knocked on the first little snake’s door.  He said let me in, let me in.  I need you for dinner.  And the first little snake said, “Not by the scales of my tail, tail, tail.”  So the hawk squawked and squawked and blew the house down.  And the hawk ate the first little snake.  But the hawk was still hungry.  So he knocked on the 2nd little snake’s door and said, “Let me in.  Let me in.”  And the 2nd little snake said, “Not by the scales of my tail, tail, tail.”  So the hawk squawked and squawked and blew the house down.  And the hawk ate the 2nd little snake. 
     After that the hawk was
So the hawk went to the third little snakes house and said, “Let me in.  Let me in.”
“Not by the scales of my tail, tail, tail.”  By then the hawk was getting tired of that so he just jumped through the chimney and landed in a pot of stew.  “Mmmmmmmmmmmm.”  Said the snake.  And that third little snake had a great dinner that night.


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